Worship. Grow. Serve. Fellowship

At FHCPC, we seek to become a community built upon these these 4 principle of following Jesus Christ. Whether it is enjoying coffee and Bible Study during our Tuesday coffee hour, playing kickball on Wednesday night during our Children's program, going away for week of church camp at Camp Peniel, or just joining in with the congregation singing a hymn on Sunday morning, our members and attendees have the opportunity to worship, grow, serve, and fellowship.

We hope that you will visit us soon and discover why FHCPC is the right place for you.

December at a Glance

Sun, Dec 10      Session Meeting, 2:00 PM.......CPWM Christmas Party, 5:30 PM


Wed, Dec 13     Last Night of Logos and Youth for 2017  5:30 PM.............Choir to Perform Christmas Cantata at Woodlawn, 6:30 PM


Sun, Dec 17      Christmas Cantata Service, 11 AM..............Children's Program, 6 PM


Sun, Dec 24      Regular Worship, 11 AM......Candlelight Communion Service, 8:00 PM



 Weekly Calendar

Sunday  10am    Sunday School for all ages

Sunday 11 am     Worship (nursery avail.)

Sunday 5pm        Prayer Group

Tuesday 9 am     Coffee Hour and Study (Romans 14-15)

Wednesday 5:30 pm   LOGOS Program, Youth Group, Adult Class